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St Andrew's RC High School

Respect, Happiness,
Confidence and Ambition

SCQF Framework


Our school has achieved our SCQF Gold Ambassadors Status 


This year we have introduced the SCQF School Ambassadors scheme for our S6 pupils as a leadership opportunity.

The SCQF School Ambassador programme supports learners through recognising wider achievement, developing Senior Phase learning pathways in line with the Developing the Young Workforce strategy and giving equality between vocational and academic qualifications.

Our Senior Prefect Team delivered an assembly to all year groups on the SCQF Framework and explained what this meant for the young people in more detail.

As a school, we are continuously looking at this framework and how we can develop our current course offering to support our young people in line with the SCQF Framework. We are hoping to engage some of our local employers and partners in conversations about the framework, with the support of the SCQF team, to ensure that the needs of all our pupils are met and that they are set up for the world of work.


DYW/SCQF Big Breakfast

We hosted a number of employers and partners for our DYW big breakfast.

As part of this event, we linked with Nicola Smith from the SCQF team. Nicola spoke to employers about the SCQF framework and how to become an inclusive recruiter. The aim was to ensure all partners are using the same language when it comes to supporting young people into employment.

This event was a huge success for everyone involved and out SCQF ambassadors played a key role planning, organising and delivering the day.

You can view the event on the video below:


You can find out more information about the SCQF Ambassadors scheme by clicking on the link below:

https://scqf.org.uk/support/support-for-educators-and-advisers/ school-ambassador-programme/

The Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework has 12 levels. The different levels indicate the level of difficulty of a particular qualification.

The Level Descriptors outline the general outcomes of learning at SCQF levels under five broad headings:

  • knowledge and understanding
  • practice (applied knowledge and understanding)
  • generic cognitive skills (e.g. evaluation, critical analysis)
  • communication, numeracy and IT skills
  • autonomy, accountability and working with others.


The Descriptors allow broad comparisons to be made between qualifications and learning and allow learners, employers and the public in general to understand the range of skills and learning that should be achieved at each level.


Interactive Framework | Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (scqf.org.uk)

Know your Level - Individuals | Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (scqf.org.uk)

Support | Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (scqf.org.uk)

Support for Parents & Carers | Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (scqf.org.uk)

My Learning Journey - Amanda's Story | Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (scqf.org.uk)

My Learning Journey - Brian's Story | Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (scqf.org.uk)

My Learning Journey - Jon's Story | Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (scqf.org.uk)


Support for Employers | Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (scqf.org.uk)