Wellbeing and Supporting
Ambition, Confidence, Happiness and Respect.
Supporting Wellbeing Our Minds Matter
The emotional wellbeing of our young people matters. It’s normal for young people to face emotional challenges growing up and their mental health is as important as their general physical health and wellbeing. We recognise that everyone has a role to play in supporting young people to keep emotionally well and thinking about what might help when someone needs additional support with their mental health. We think it's important to think about what we do in a flexible way, with different layers of support and action from different people and services.
Parents and Carers wishing to find out more about their child’s wellbeing can access information on a number of information rich websites.
Adults supporting young people
Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families
Mental Health and Wellbeing Info for Young People in Fife
- Access Therapies courses Aug24
- Access Therapies courses poster Aug24
- Access Therapies Embracing difference
- Access Therapies Glow
- Access Therapies Shine
- Access Therapies Understanding kids
- Access Therapies Understanding Teens
- Bereavement and Loss Info for parents and carers
- Children Young Peoples Continence Service
- DAPL School 2021 22 1
- SHOUT service flyer
- Space From Anxiety for Teenagers leaflet
- TI leaflet for Professionals Parents and Carers