S3-4 Biology
Ambition, Confidence, Happiness and Respect.
Biology is the study of living organisms. Throughout your time in Biology you look at the cells, tissues, organs and whole organisms as well as studying the environments that they live in. You will gain an insight into this fascinating world and will take part in a wide variety of practical experiments, many that you will plan yourself. Biology has played a huge role in many of the developments you see today including medicine & health, food & agriculture, biotechnology and has given us an understanding of our own bodies and brains and what makes us human.
The Biology course in S3 allows you to build on the work started in S2 and explore how science is vital to everyday life, allowing you to understand and shape the world in which you live and influence its future. The course leads directly to the National 4 or 5 courses offered in S4 and provides the basic skills required for qualifications at National 4 or 5 by the end of S4. The course will therefore enable you to become scientifically literate and recognise the impact Biology makes on your life and the environment.
The S3 course covers key areas that link to the National Qualifications. There is a particular focus on plants, animals and the environment during S3. Topics include, evolution, competition, animal behaviour, human impacts on the environment and ethical issues. The topic selection has direct links to the National 4 and 5 Life on Earth unit studied in S4, alongside the Cell Biology and Multicellular Organisms units. You will use and extend the skills you have learned and have the chance to demonstrate your breadth of knowledge in research projects.
Find out more about these courses at http://www.sqa.org.uk/sqa/45723.html.
In S3 Biology you will focus on the world around you, exploring the relationships between plants, animals and the environment.
Follow the work of famous faces such as David Attenborough to support your understanding of relationships and interactions within nature, as well as researching human impacts on the planet.
You will be expected to participate in practical activities, develop your problem-solving skills and complete written tasks to build your knowledge.
S4 will see you gain a National 4 or National 5. You will build on S3 knowledge as well as being introduced to new concepts from the Cell Biology and Multicellular Organisms units.
Explore the inner workings of the human body from DNA to how our body systems work together, as well as studying very different organisms such as plants, fungi and bacteria.
Develop your understanding of stem cells, the brain and hormones while delving into the complex world of genetics.
You will also carry out an investigation into an aspect of Biology you have studied over S3/4.