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St Andrew's RC High School

Respect, Happiness,
Confidence and Ambition

S3-4 Modern Languages

Ambition, Confidence, Happiness and Respect.


The S3 Modern Languages course introduces pupils to four new topic areas, which build on the eight topic areas and language skills they have learned in S1 and S2. S3 topics will include the following: In Town, On Exchange Abroad, Holiday Accommodation, Transport & Problems, and Fashion & Media. Pupils will continue to learn and develop their knowledge of grammar and dictionary skills. All topics will be approached via the four language skills of talking, listening, reading and writing. The S3 course will continue to develop pupils’ confidence and ability to communicate orally in a variety of situations. Pupils are encouraged to extend and improve their own reading by being offered a choice of reading materials, such as short stories, foreign language magazines and topic-based homework packs.

Most pupils will make progress through CfE Level 3, and where appropriate, Level 4 Experiences and Outcomes.  Pupils will come to Modern Languages 4 periods per week throughout S3.

How this course can help you:  

The study of Modern Languages helps pupils to develop their general language and communication skills through talking, listening, reading and writing. Pupils learn to focus on grammatical and orthographic accuracy. The course also helps pupils to become more confident communicators and effective contributors. Pupils have opportunities to use ICT to access relevant websites, and present their own materials in the foreign language.

Modern Languages can greatly help pupils with future career and study options. They automatically increase pupils’ employment choices, by giving them access to work abroad. Languages can also allow people to travel abroad, or go on holiday with more confidence.

Modern Languages support pupils seeking employment in areas such as primary and secondary teaching, translating, government agencies, tourism, hotel and catering industries, retail businesses, journalism and travel. 

Criteria for Progression to the Next Level of Certification:

Pupils in S3 will progress to National 4 or National 5 in S4, depending on the progress they make in S3:

National 4: Pupils will be expected to be secure in most elements at Level 3 by the end of S3  National 5: Pupils will be expected to be secure in most elements at Level 4 by the end of S4 Assessment:

At the end of each topic, pupils will be assessed in two or three of the four language skills. The method of assessment may vary, but for some courses, this assessment will form part of a pupil’s final course presentation. 

We also emphasize both self and peer evaluation, to improve self- motivation and performance. Support is on hand to help pupils with individual study, homework and revision.

Expectations of the Department:

Various kinds of homework are given throughout the course and, in addition, pupils are expected to work independently, consolidating skills and revisiting previous topic work. Pupils will be encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning, so must have a dictionary for use at home. Vocabulary acquisition and retention are extremely important, and pupils will be required to revise vocabulary from current and previous topics regularly at home.

Vocabulary acquisition and retention are extremely important, and pupils will be required to revise vocabulary from current and previous topics regularly at home.

S4 Modern Languages 

The S4 Modern Languages course introduces pupils to new topic areas including plans for the future, work experience, employment, foreign exchanges, other cultures and environment. Pupils will continue to develop their skills in Reading, Talking, Listening and Writing which will require them to build on vocabulary, knowledge of grammar and dictionary skills. Pupils are encouraged to participate fully in all the activities provided in class to increase their confidence and their ability to communicate orally in a variety of situations. They will be exposed to constantly up-dated materials, sourced from French-speaking countries to make their learning experience as authentic as possible.  Pupils will make progress through Level 4 Experiences and Outcomes and will come to the department 5 periods a week throughout S4.

How this course can help you:

The study of Modern Languages helps pupils to develop their general language and communication skills and they learn to focus on grammatical and orthographic accuracy. Their confidence and social skills are enhanced by having to deal with a variety of realistic situations and they become more open-minded and tolerant of other cultures and are therefore more likely to want to experience travel abroad first hand. The department also offers pupils the opportunity to visit Paris. This has proven to be a very popular trip.

Employers regard linguists as having ‘transferable skills’ deemed to be valuable in a range of areas including government agencies, travel and tourism, hotel and catering, retail, journalism,  translating, primary and secondary teaching and any business with links abroad. Languages are now commonly offered as a combined degree with the vast majority of subjects at College/ University level.

Criteria for progression to the next level of certification:

Depending on the progress they make in S4, pupils will complete either National 4 or National 5. A grade A or B at National 5 is required to progress to Higher in S5/6.


Nat 4: Pupils are assessed internally in the 4 language skills of Reading, Talking, Listening and Writing. There is NO external exam.

Nat 5: Pupils are assessed internally in the 4 language skills of Reading, Talking, Listening and Writing. They also do a ‘Writing Assignment’ which is sent to the SQA. Pupils also sit 2 external  exams. Paper 1 is Reading/Writing and Paper 2 is Listening.

Expectation of the Department  

Pupils are expected to have a mature and positive approach to their studies, as very regular homework is given, requiring pupils to work independently - learning vocabulary and grammar rules and consolidating work which has been covered in class. Progress with learning is monitored by regular vocabulary tests which are sent home periodically.

Our expectation in the department is that all lessons be conducted within a positive working atmosphere where pupils have the confidence to contribute, knowing that they can learn from their mistakes. The departmental motto is ‘The only failure in life is not trying.’